Declaring Hashem/G-d as King…
We all know it…
We really mean it…
We really, truly want to be better…
We all know that Hashem is the only one who we need to answer to, that He’s the only one in charge of everything in our lives…
Wouldn’t it be so nice to come into Rosh Hashana fully acknowledging, believing, and living in a way that truly shows Hashem/G-d that we really mean what we say as we “crown” Hashem/G-d each year declaring Him as our only King?
I totally get…
You want to be better, but it seems like an “all or nothing” journey to “get to the top”, to be the person you want to be…
To get even close to the type of person you know you are probably even meant to be…
Life gets busy, but one thing I’ve learned in life is to focus on one thing at a time…
Picking one mitzvah that you feel “connected to inside” and decide to “thrive in it”, to thrive in that specific mitzva or character trait will actually be the impetus in creating the “new you” this coming year that you never thought was even possible!
Or even using the concept of “fake it till you make it” …
Seeing something amazing about another person and you wish you could be like them in that amazingness…
Well, what’s stopping you?
“Fake it till you make it!”
I’ll give you a little example:
Your children come home from school, or your husband comes home from work, and you’re really not in such a “happy go lucky” mood after a long day. You may even be a bit angry or annoyed…
But you always admired your neighbor who always has a big smile waiting at the door as she greets her children from school and her husband from work…No matter what…You wish you could be like her…
It doesn’t cost any money, you don’t even need to make those “picture perfect” chocolate chip cookies…
So you ask yourself (it’s ok to talk to yourself sometimes, you’re still normal:)
*What do I need to do to be that loving, smiling mother I wish to be?
*Hashem gave me the situation that I’m in, so I know it’s perfectly designed for me…
*He also says to greet everyone with a smile and not to get angry…
*What can I do for myself to encourage the smile to come out even if I’m not in the best mood sometimes…
“Fake it till you make it”…
Pretend to be the person you want to be until it becomes real and part of you…
Because that’s what the King wants…
He wants us to realize that He’s watching our every move and “cheering us on” even if HE really knows it’s not all real…
But HE sees that we’re trying…
And to our Father, our King, that means we are aware of His presence…
Each time we try to become better in obedience to the King, we acknowledge His presence and His “author”ity as the “author” of our lives…
We have placed the Crown on the King…